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Limiting the amount of email sent through your mail server

Most email servers have a limit to the amount of email you are allowed to send in a given time period. You can configure Direct Mail to throttle back the amount of email sent through your email server to comply with these limits.

e3 Delivery Service does not impose limits and is a faster, easier way to send your mail.

Here's how to limit the amount of email sent through your mail server:

  1. Choose Direct Mail > Settings (or Direct Mail > Preferences) from the menu bar.
  2. Click Accounts
  3. Select your mail server from the list
  4. Check "Send no more than" and enter the maximum amount of email to send at a time. Direct Mail will send this amount of mail, disconnect, then immediately reconnect and try to keep sending.
  5. If Direct Mail should wait in between reconnecting, check "Wait in between connections"
  6. Close the Settings (Preferences) window

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