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Integrating with Slack

Direct Mail integrates with Slack via Zapier.

Get Slack notifications for new addresses added to your Direct Mail project

Save yourself the hassle of manually checking to see if new subscribers have joined your mailing list and let Zapier do the work for you. This integration posts notifications to your Slack channel any time a new email address is added to your list. Set up this integration using Zapier

Get Slack notifications for new email campaigns sent from Direct Mail

Wouldn't it be great if you could notify your team each time a new email campaign went out—and keep them up-to-date on the response from your subscribers? Use this integration to receive Slack notifications when a new email campaign is sent out. Notifications include a link to view a comprehensive campaign report that shows opens, clicks, popular links, and more. Set up this integration using Zapier

Additional Integrations with Slack

You can create custom integrations that go beyond what is listed above. Visit Zapier and click "Make a Zap!" to create your own custom automation.

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