Help Documentation 〉Messages 〉

Search For a Message

You can search your collection of messages for text found in the body, subject, from name, from email, headers, and attachments names.

  1. Navigate to the Messages tab
  2. Click Search in the toolbar
  3. Enter the search term

Search results are displayed in the messages list. Click X in the search field to end the search.

Search Operators

Search terms are not case-sensitive and diacritical marks are stripped. By default, message must contain all of the search terms in order for it to appear in the results. You can use the following operators to modify your search:

Operators Meaning
AND Boolean AND
OR Boolean OR
NOT Boolean NOT
* Wildcard for prefix or suffix; surround term with wildcard characters for substring search
( Begin logical grouping
) End logical grouping
" Delimiter for phrase searching


Example Meaning
great deal All messages containing the words "great" and "deal"
"great deal" All messages containing the phrase "great deal"
intro* OR *ing All messages containing words that begin with "intro" as well as all messages containing words that end with "ing"

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