Help Documentation 〉Campaign Reports 〉

Compare Campaign Reports

You can compare multiple campaign reports to each other:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab
  2. Select a campaign report
  3. While holding down the command key on your keyboard, click another campaign

A table appears that compares the selected campaigns across a variety of metrics.

Comparison Table

The comparison table shows one column for each selected campaign, plus one column giving the averages for the selected campaigns. Each row of the table is a different metrics, including:

  • Delivery Date
  • Day of Week
  • Time of Day
  • Subject
  • Subject Length
  • List
  • Number of Recipients
  • Number of Opens (Total and First 24 Hours)
  • Number of Clicks (Total and First 24 Hours)
  • Number Sent
  • Number Bounced
  • Number Failed
  • Number Delivered
  • Number of Unsubscribes
  • Number of Complaints

Comparison Charts

You can also view comparison data in chart form by clicking the Charts tab in the toolbar.

Available charts include:

  • Opens: The number of opens over time. If a recipient opens the email multiple times, only the first open is counted. The time (X) axis is shown as time elapsed from the send date.
  • Clicks: The number of clicks over time. If a recipient clicks more than one link (or clicks the same link more than once), only the first click is counted. The time (X) axis is shown as time elapsed from the send date.
  • Open Rate: The cumulative open rate over time. Open rate is the number of recipients that opened the email as a percentage of the number of emails delivered. The time (X) axis is shown as time elapsed from the send date.
  • Click Rate: The cumulative click rate over time. Click rate is the number of recipients that clicked one or more links as a percentage of the number of emails delivered. The time (X) axis is shown as time elapsed from the send date.
  • Links: A bar chart of the number of recipients that clicked each link in the message
  • Email Client Usage: A bar chart of the number of recipients that use each kind of email client
  • Email Client Usage (as % of Delivered Emails): A bar chart of the number of recipients that use each kind of email client
  • Delivery: A bar chart showing the disposition of each recipient email
  • Delivery (as % of Delivered Emails): A bar chart showing the disposition of each recipient email
  • Bounce Reason: A bar chart of the bounce reasons
  • Bounce Reason (as % of Delivered Emails): A bar chart of the bounce reasons
  • Unsubscribe Reason: A bar chart of the reasons people chose to unsubscribe
  • Unsubscribe Reason (as % of Delivered Emails): A bar chart of the reasons people chose to unsubscribe
  • Complaint Reason: A bar chart of the reasons people reported a spam complaint
  • Complaint Reason (as % of Delivered Emails): A bar chart of the reasons people reported a spam complaint

Use the Go to Chart menu at the top-right corner of the window to jump to chart. To copy a chart, hold the control key on your keyboard while clicking the chart and choose Copy.

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