Help Documentation 〉Managing Your Accounts and Data 〉

Manage Your Direct Mail Account

Your Direct Mail account is managed in the Settings window. To access it, choose Direct Mail > Direct Mail Account from the menu bar at the top of your screen.

Your account control panel is divided up into the following sections:

Email Address

The email address shown here is used for signing in, email notifications, purchase receipts, and our newsletter (if subscribed). Please keep it up to date.

If you need your purchase receipts sent to a different email address, please contact our support team.

Password & Security

Use this section to change your password and enable two-factor authentication.

The Key icon can be used to automatically generate a strong password.

Name & Picture

Use this section to change the name and picture associated with your account. Your name and picture appear when other users look up your account for purposes of collaborating with you on a project (i.e. in the Collaboration tab of a project).

Your name, company name, and company address also appear on purchase receipts.

Plan Usage

For accounts on the Unlimited Plan, this section displays the current billing period dates as well as the number of contacts you have sent to during the period.

Email Credit Balance

For accounts on the Pay Per Email plan, this section displays your current email credit balance and options for purchasing additional email credits.

Purchase History

This section shows a history of all purchases made with links to download purchase receipts.

Account Activity

This section shows the applications that are signed in to your account, including the date, time, and IP address of the most recent access. Click the × button next to any session to immediately sign out that session. If you are concerned about unauthorized access, you may want to change your password and review your API Access settings (see below).

Email Authentication

Use this section to add new authenticated domains to your account. Please see this help article for more information on email authentication.

Tracking Domain Name

To enable the click-tracking feature, Direct Mail rewrites links in your message to ping our server first before redirecting to the intended URL. If you do not want your recipients to briefly see the URL of our server when they first click a link, you can use your own, custom domain name instead. Use this section of the control panel to enter that custom domain name.

API Access

Use this section of the control panel to create and manage API keys. API keys are used by third-party services (like Zapier) to access your data. Because of this, it is important to keep the combination of Key ID and Key Secret secret.

SMTP Access

Use this section of the control panel to purchase or cancel the SMTP Access add-on feature for your account.

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