Help Documentation 〉Managing Your Accounts and Data 〉

Manage App Settings

To edit app settings, choose Direct Mail > Settings from the menu bar at the top of your screen. The Settings window appears with tabs across the top. This help article describes what settings are available in each tab.


  • Prefer to save items in the cloud: If this checkbox is checked (and if you are signed in to your Direct Mail account), new projects, templates, and accounts that you create are automatically saved to the cloud and are synced to your other devices. If unchecked (or if you are not signed in), then new items are saved on your Mac only—and can be moved to the cloud later if desired.
  • Open most recent project at launch: If checked, Direct Mail will automatically open your last used project each time the app is launched. If not checked, Direct Mail will instead show the "Welcome to Direct Mail" window. The welcome window can also be shown by choosing Window > Welcome to Direct Mail from the menu bar.
  • Send anonymous usage data to e3 Software: If checked, anonymized analytics are sent to our analytics vendor (Amplitude) and are used to improve future versions of Direct Mail.
  • Reset Tips and Reminders: Clicking this button causes helpful tips and reminders to be shown again as needed.


Please see this help article for information on managing your Direct Mail account, and this help article for information on linking other accounts to Direct Mail.


  • Default Template: This is the template that is used when creating a new message
  • Default Plain Font: This is the font that is used when editing a plain-text message, or the plain-text alternative to your HTML message
  • Default Text Encoding: This is the text encoding that is used when converting the body of your message to MIME data
  • During Delivery: Allow Image and Message Hosting: During campaign delivery, Direct Mail takes the images in your message and uploads them to a web server. The images are then referenced by URL. This has many benefits, including reducing the size of your email (because the images do not have to be attached), speeding up delivery, and improving compatibility with some email clients. If you want to disable this feature, you can do so using this setting.

    If your message includes links to share the campaign (e.g. Share on Facebook), then Direct Mail automatically creates a web version of your message and uploads it to a web server so it can be shared and viewed in a web browser. If you wish to disable this functionality, you can do so using this setting.

  • Optimize HTML: During campaign delivery, Direct Mail performs several transformations to the HTML code (e.g. CSS inlining) in order to make it more compatible with a wide variety of email clients. If you have imported a custom template into Direct Mail and do not want the HTML code altered, you can disable that feature using this setting.
  • Include Direct Mail logo in email footer: The Direct Mail logo is added to the bottom of all email campaigns by default. You can remove the logo using this setting. You must have a paid billing plan to remove the logo.

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