May 2015

Search and Segment Like a Pro

You are probably already familiar with the “Search Addresses” box in the toolbar, but in this blog post I want to introduce you to a couple more powerful ways you can search for addresses in your mailing lists. There are lots of reasons you may find yourself wanting to do more than just a simple search, including:

  • Sending a special email campaign to just a particular segment of your mailing list (like the folks who engage the most with your emails)
  • Bulk operations, like unsubscribing, editing, or removing a list of email addresses

Both searching features can be found in the menu bar, under the Edit > Find menu: Find Addresses Matching List and Find Addresses Matching Rules.

Find Addresses Matching List

Screenshot of Find Addresses Matching List
Choose Edit > Find > Find Addresses Matching List… from the menu bar.

This feature works exactly as advertised. Just type or paste in a list of email addresses and click Find. Direct Mail will search for and display all the matching email addresses it finds in your address groups. There is flexibility in how your enter your list, too. Emails can be one-email-per-row, or comma-separated, or any other delimiter. They can include names (e.g. “Joe User” <>) or just plain email addresses (

Find Addresses Matching Rules

Screenshot of Find Addresses Matching Rules
Choose Edit > Find > Find Addresses Matching Rules… from the menu bar.

This is where the real fun starts. This feature allows you to set a list of criteria (or “rules”) to search for. For example, you could search for contacts that match all of the following:

  • Subscribed in the past six months
  • Open rate greater than 30%
  • Most recent location is “California”

We’ve provided some sample rules that you can use to get started. To access the sample rules, click the “gear” menu in the bottom-left corner of the window.

Making Search Results Useful

Depending on the purpose of your search, there are several actions you can take with the results of your search. For example:

  • You can copy and paste the search results into a new address group. This could be a segment of your list that you send a targeted campaign to later.
  • You can bulk-edit the search results by selecting the addresses and choosing Addresses > Edit from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  • You can bulk-unsubscribe the search results by selecting the addresses and choosing Addresses > Mark as Unsubscribed from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

We hope you “found” these search tips handy 😉. More searching tips are available in our support section, including finding duplicates, finding invalid email addresses, and help on finding your most engaged subscribers.

New API, New Integrations

Alongside the Direct Mail 4.1 update, we are happy to announce today the release of our brand new API. For those who are asking themselves right now “what in the world is an API?”, a good answer is: a way for computer programs to talk to each other. An even better answer is: a powerful new way to integrate Direct Mail with many of the websites and services you use every day. The new API allows apps and websites full access to your Direct Mail project (with your permission, of course), including messages, mailing lists, campaign reports, and more. If you are a developer, you can get started right away building custom integrations with Direct Mail. If you are not a developer, we have an exciting announcement for you, too…

Integrate With Over 400 Apps and Websites

Included in our new API is support for the popular service Zapier. With Zapier, you can connect the apps you use to easily move data between them. It makes integrating and automating your workflow a snap. For example, you can automatically:

  • Add Salesforce contacts to your Direct Mail mailing list
  • Use Wufoo entries to create Direct Mail subscribers
  • Add PayPal customers to your Direct Mail mailing list
  • Add SurveyMonkey respondents to your Direct Mail mailing list
  • Post sent email campaigns to your LinkedIn feed
  • …and much more

To get started with Zapier, you’ll need to visit their website to create an account. Our integration with Zapier is still in beta, but if you want to get an early start, click this link to use our app with their service. Update: Our Zapier integration is now live and ready to go. We think you’ll love it!

Developer Details

You can find a complete API developer’s guide posted in the support section of our website. In short, though, the API is a web-based REST API that you can access from any programming language (or even just good old curl). We support several webhooks, as well. If you have been using our version 1 API, don’t worry, we will continue to support it going forward. It is, however, officially deprecated.

Direct Mail projects that have been moved to the cloud are fully accessible, including read and write support for messages, address groups, addresses, and reports. Changes made via the API are synced to the user’s Mac the next time they open Direct Mail.

We are excited to see kinds of integrations you build! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or requests for features or integrations you’d like to see. For a long time, Direct Mail has supported integrations with top-notch OS X apps. We’re happy now to open the door to integrating with an entire universe of great web-based applications, too.