Sending Your Email Campaign at the Perfect Time

You’ve spent all day perfecting your latest holiday email marketing campaign. The copy is perfect, the subject line irresistible. Now all that’s left is waking up at 4 AM to send it so that your subscribers across the country see it first thing in the morning. Wait, what?

Of course you don’t want to wake up early just to send an email. With Direct Mail, you don’t have to!

Scheduling your campaigns

You can schedule your campaign to send at any date and time, even if Direct Mail is closed or your computer is turned off when that time arrives. Here’s how:

  1. Click the send button in the toolbar
  2. Click the “Schedule” popup menu and select “Schedule for Later”
  3. Choose the date and time you want your campaign sent
  4. Click the Send button

After you click Send, Direct Mail will queue up your campaign to send at the time you specified. If you switch over to the Report tab, you’ll see your campaign waiting to send.


What if I change my mind and want to cancel or reschedule?

No problem. In the Reports tab, just click the “Cancel Delivery” or “Reschedule Delivery” buttons.

What if someone subscribes to or unsubscribes from my mailing list before the campaign is sent?

If someone unsubscribes in between the time that you queue up the campaign and the delivery date, Direct Mail will automatically skip them when the campaign is sent.

If someone new subscribes to your list in between the time that you queue up the campaign and the delivery date, they will not receive the campaign (but will still be added to your list for the next campaign). For this reason, it’s best to not schedule campaigns too far in advance, especially if you are expecting a bunch of new subscribers.