- Creating a new message
- About modern vs. legacy templates
- About Apple Mail stationery in macOS 10.14 “Mojave”
- Designing messages using the modern template editor
- Tips for faster message editing
- Organizing your messages into folders
- About email fonts
- About image and web hosting
- About image editing
- About reusing content from old emails
- About using CSS and JavaScript
- If your email looks strange in other email clients
- Adding "view in web browser" links to a message
- Adding an unsubscribe link
- Adding an "update email address" link
- Adding and editing sections
- Adding buttons to a message
- Adding Cc and Bcc recipients to your message
- Adding custom email headers
- Adding images to a message
- Adding links to a message
- Adding polls to a message
- Get Valuable Subscriber Feedback With PollsBlog
- Creating and linking to anchors
- Adding maps to a message
- Adding social media follow links to a message (e.g. link to Facebook Page, Twitter profile, your website, etc.)
- Adding social sharing links to a message (e.g. Forward to a Friend, Share on Facebook, etc.)
- Adding spacing or lines to a message
- Adding text blocks to a message
- Adjusting line spacing
- Adding video to a message
- Enhance Your Email Marketing With VideoBlog
- Moving, copying, and duplicating sections and blocks
- Attaching a file to your message
- Attaching calendar events to your message
- Changing the default message font
- Changing the message color scheme
- Checking your message for broken links and other issues
- Choosing message text encodings
- Choosing or importing an email template
- Creating a custom plain-text alternative
- Creating email signatures
- Customizing email preview text (preheader)
- Customizing how your campaign is displayed in social media news feeds
- Disabling CSS inlining
- Editing the HTML source code of a message
- Importing message content from a web page
- Importing message content from HTML, Word, RTF, OpenOffice, or Plain Text documents
- Importing templates from Apple Mail
- Importing templates from Campaign Monitor
- Importing templates from Mail Designer
- Importing templates from MailChimp
- Exporting a message to PDF
- Customizing Content Based on DeviceBlog
- Personalizing messages with conditional sections
- Personalizing messages with if/else logic
- Personalizing messages with mail-merge tags
- Previewing your email before you send it
- Removing the Direct Mail logo from your email footer
- Saving a message as a template
- Sending plain-text messages
- Setting the default template for new messages
- Splitting sections
- About template widths
- Using regular expressions to search or filter addresses
- Making Your Email AccessibleBlog