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  1. Creating a new message
  2. About modern vs. legacy templates
  3. About Apple Mail stationery in macOS 10.14 “Mojave”
  4. Designing messages using the modern template editor
  5. Tips for faster message editing
  6. Organizing your messages into folders
  7. About email fonts
  8. About image and web hosting
  9. About image editing
  10. About reusing content from old emails
  11. About using CSS and JavaScript
  12. If your email looks strange in other email clients
  13. Adding "view in web browser" links to a message
  14. Adding an unsubscribe link
  15. Adding an "update email address" link
  16. Adding and editing sections
  17. Adding buttons to a message
  18. Adding Cc and Bcc recipients to your message
  19. Adding custom email headers
  20. Adding images to a message
  21. Adding links to a message
  22. Adding polls to a message
  23. Get Valuable Subscriber Feedback With PollsBlog
  24. Creating and linking to anchors
  25. Adding maps to a message
  26. Adding social media follow links to a message (e.g. link to Facebook Page, Twitter profile, your website, etc.)
  27. Adding social sharing links to a message (e.g. Forward to a Friend, Share on Facebook, etc.)
  28. Adding spacing or lines to a message
  29. Adding text blocks to a message
  30. Adjusting line spacing
  31. Adding video to a message
  32. Enhance Your Email Marketing With VideoBlog
  33. Moving, copying, and duplicating sections and blocks
  34. Attaching a file to your message
  35. Attaching calendar events to your message
  36. Changing the default message font
  37. Changing the message color scheme
  38. Checking your message for broken links and other issues
  39. Choosing message text encodings
  40. Choosing or importing an email template
  41. Creating a custom plain-text alternative
  42. Creating email signatures
  43. Customizing email preview text (preheader)
  44. Customizing how your campaign is displayed in social media news feeds
  45. Disabling CSS inlining
  46. Editing the HTML source code of a message
  47. Importing message content from a web page
  48. Importing message content from HTML, Word, RTF, OpenOffice, or Plain Text documents
  49. Importing templates from Apple Mail
  50. Importing templates from Campaign Monitor
  51. Importing templates from Mail Designer
  52. Importing templates from MailChimp
  53. Exporting a message to PDF
  54. Customizing Content Based on DeviceBlog
  55. Personalizing messages with conditional sections
  56. Personalizing messages with if/else logic
  57. Personalizing messages with mail-merge tags
  58. Previewing your email before you send it
  59. Removing the Direct Mail logo from your email footer
  60. Saving a message as a template
  61. Sending plain-text messages
  62. Setting the default template for new messages
  63. Splitting sections
  64. About template widths
  65. Using regular expressions to search or filter addresses
  66. Making Your Email AccessibleBlog